Sign up for Rising Sun’s No-Cost Energy and Water Efficiency Services!

Please select your preferred language. If you don't select a language, the form will default to English.
Thank you for trusting Rising Sun Center for Opportunity to help you reduce your carbon footprint and lower your utility bills, and thank you for your interest in participating in our Green House Call program. Please complete this form to help us determine if you qualify for our no-cost* energy and water efficiency services.

This program is available for people who reside in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties, as well as in the City of Stockton.

If you have any questions, please call (510) 665-1501 ext. 300 (Bay Area) or (209) 890-4341 ext. 301 (Stockton). You may also email us at with any questions you have.

*No-cost services are only available while supplies last, and for those households that qualify to receive the service.

Contact Information

Residential Location

Residential Address

e.g. 123 Main St
e.g. Apt 1
Your best guess is OK
Hidden helper fields

Complete Residential Address

If you do not see your address, please check that you inputted the street number and city correctly on the last page. Also, please given this field some time to load. It is searching through a large database of addresses.
Hooray! If you live in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, or Sonoma county, you most likely live in a region that is eligible to receive a no-cost kit* containing energy and water-saving measures.

As long as your home meets our eligibility requirements, we will reach out to you within the coming months and ship an energy and water efficiency kit directly to your door. If you receive a kit, instructions on how to install each device will be included. We will not provide direct installation services.

If you have any questions, please call (510) 665-1501 ext. 300. You may also email us at with any questions you have.
Youth assembling energy efficiency kits
Hooray! You live in a city in which we provide our no-cost energy and water efficiency services in-person. However, we will not resume our in-home services until Summer 2025.

In order for us to confirm that your home meets our eligibility requirements, and for us to be able to reach out to you to schedule an appointment in Spring 2025, please complete this form.
Based on your previous responses, you live in a city with it's own municipal electricity provider (e.g. the City of Alameda, the City of Santa Clara, or the City of Palo Alto). Unfortunately, this likely means you are ineligible to receive our services. Feel free to complete the following 15 minute survey to be sure. If you end up being eligible, we will ship an energy and water efficiency kit directly to your door. If you receive a kit, instructions on how to install each device will be included. We will not provide direct installation services.

If you have any questions, please call (510) 665-1501 ext. 300. You may also email us at with any questions you have.
Youth assembling energy efficiency kits

Residential Information

Access Agreement

To continue with the survey, you must read and agree with the access agreement below. In summary, the agreement states that: 1) If you are to receive a kit, it will be at no-cost to you 2) There is a small chance the California Strategic Growth Council will contact you to conduct an audit of the measures you installed from the kit. This will most likely be done virtually. "This agreement is between Rising Sun and Client (rightful and legal occupant or owner at address listed in this survey). As used throughout this document, Rising Sun and Client are individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”. Upon the completion of a self-guided efficiency assessment, Rising Sun will ship a no-cost energy and water-saving kit to the client, equipped with materials that will in no way permanently alter the premise. In addition to this, the client will receive an efficiency assessment along with personalized savings advice. This will constitute the “Project.” The following terms will govern this project.
RISING SUN AGREES: Costs: To bear all of the actual costs associated with performing the Project. Confidentiality: Not to use the names or identifying characteristics of the Client or the Client’s residence for advertising, sales promotion, or other publicity or public or landlord disclosure without the Client’s written approval. CLIENT AGREES: Communication: To permit Rising Sun to contact the Client via email, text, or telephone call regarding all communications related to the Project. Post-Inspection Permission: To permit Rising Sun, the California Strategic Growth Council, the local water district, the State or designated representative, or one of their subcontractors to contact Client for a post-inspection follow-up. No-Cost Service: Client understands that Client is not obligated to purchase or pay for any service provided by this program. Confidentiality: Not to use the names or identifying characteristics of Rising Sun for any advertising, sales promotion or publicity or public disclosure of any kind without prior written approval by Rising Sun. Information Sharing: To permit survey and household information, which may include identifying characteristics, collected to be shared with funders, cities, the California Strategic Growth Council, the State or designated representative, local water districts or departments, or subcontractors thereof, for reporting and/or audit purposes as needed. Ownership: That Client is either the rightful or legal occupant or owner of the residence. If Client is not the owner of the residence, Client takes full responsibility for any Rising Sun services that may conflict with any lease agreement. Benefits: Client understands that Rising Sun, the Strategic Growth Council, and the State do not make any warranty or representation of any kind regarding the benefits to be derived from the services or any of the products installed at the residence in the performance of the services. BOTH PARTIES AGREE: Incidental or Consequential Damages: NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, except for claims based upon the grossly negligent acts of one or both parties. Ownership of Information: Rising Sun may provide the Client with information about its findings regarding this Project, but Rising Sun shall have ownership rights, including exclusive copyright ownership, in all data, reports, research results, summaries, information, or other written, recorded, photographic or visual materials produced and collected during the term of this agreement. Rising Sun is receiving funds from the California Climate Investments Transformative Climate Communities Program for this Project, but Parties agree that the California Climate Investments Transformative Climate Communities Program through the Strategic Growth Council is not liable to either Party for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, arising from this Agreement. California consumers are not obligated to purchase any full fee service or other service not funded by this program. This program is supported by the California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities Program in partnership with the California Department of Conservation."
To continue with the survey, you must read and agree with the access agreement below. In summary, the agreement states that: 1) If you are to receive a kit, it will be at no-cost to you 2) There is a small chance the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) will contact you to conduct an audit of the measures you installed from the kit. This will most likely be done virtually.

"This agreement is between Rising Sun and Client (rightful and legal occupant or owner at address listed in this survey). As used throughout this document, Rising Sun and Client are individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”. Upon the completion of a self-guided efficiency assessment, Rising Sun will ship a no-cost energy and water-saving kit to the client, equipped with materials that will in no way permanently alter the premise. In addition to this, the client will receive an efficiency assessment along with personalized savings advice. This will constitute the “Project.” The following terms will govern this project.

Costs: To bear all of the actual costs associated with performing the Project.
Confidentiality: Not to use the names or identifying characteristics of the Client or the Client’s residence for advertising, sales promotion, or other publicity or public or landlord disclosure without the Client’s written approval.

Communication: To permit Rising Sun to contact the Client via email, text, or telephone call regarding all communications related to the Project.
Post-Inspection Permission: To permit Rising Sun, BayREN, the local water district, the State or designated representative, or one of their subcontractors to contact Client for a post-inspection follow-up.
No-Cost Service: Client understands that Client is not obligated to purchase or pay for any service provided by this program.
Confidentiality: Not to use the names or identifying characteristics of Rising Sun for any advertising, sales promotion or publicity or public disclosure of any kind without prior written approval by Rising Sun.
Information Sharing: To permit survey and household information, which may include identifying characteristics, collected to be shared with funders, cities, BayREN, the State or designated representative, local water districts or departments, or subcontractors thereof, for reporting and/or audit purposes as needed.
Ownership: That Client is either the rightful and legal occupant or owner of the residence. If Client is not the owner of the Residence, Client takes full responsibility for any Rising Sun services that may conflict with any lease agreement.
Benefits: Client understands that Rising Sun and BayREN do not make any warranty or representation of any kind regarding the benefits to be derived from the services or any of the products installed at the residence in the performance of the services.

Incidental or Consequential Damages: NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, except for claims based upon the grossly negligent acts of one or both parties.
Ownership of Information: Rising Sun may provide the Client with information about its findings regarding this Project, but Rising Sun shall have ownership rights, including exclusive copyright ownership, in all data, reports, research results, summaries, information, or other written, recorded, photographic or visual materials produced and collected during the term of this agreement.

Rising Sun is receiving funds from BayREN for this Project, but Parties agree that BayREN is not liable to either Party for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, arising from this Agreement.

California Consumers are not obligated to purchase any full fee service or other service not funded by this program. This program is funded by California utility ratepayers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)."  

House and Household Information

The questions in this section are important for us to know more about the residents we are servicing. These are all optional: you may answer some, all, or none of the questions.
If you don't know the exact amount, an approximate amount is sufficient
If you don't know the exact amount, an approximate amount is sufficient

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Exterior

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Hallway

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Bedrooms

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Bathrooms

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Kitchen

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Living Room

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Walkthrough & Energy Assessment - Irrigation & Other Water Questions

The questions in the "Walkthrough & Energy Assessment" and “Home Energy Use Information” will allow us to provide you with a personalized report of your home’s energy use.

Please answer with a whole number between 0 and 100

Please answer with a whole number between 0 and 7

Home Energy Use Information

This section allows us to understand if you may be eligible for deeper savings through partner programs.
e.g. air conditioning/heat pump cooling system
Cooling examples
Electric Heat examples 
Gas Heat examples

Other Electrification Questions

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) store excess energy from solar panels or local power grid to be used at later time; often used to charge EVs or as backup power during outages.

Deferred Maintenance

This section allows us to understand how future/partner programs may best support you
  E.g. rodents, termites, ants, roaches, etc.

Challenges Facing Your Community

This section allows us to understand how future/partner programs may best support you

Green Pledge & Resident Education

The Green Pledge and Resident Education section encourages and informs residents on how they can go even further in their energy efficiency journey to maximize energy and money savings.

Other Programs

This section allows us to refer you to other programs you may be interested in. Your information will never be shared without your consent and we will never sell your information under any circumstances.

Kit Components

IF DEEMED ELIGIBLE, you will receive the following items in your kit:
  • 1 efficient bathroom faucet aerator (0.5 gpm)
  • 1 efficient kitchen faucet aerator (1.5 gpm)
  • 1 low flow showerhead (1.5 gpm)
  • 5 LED globe light bulbs
  • 1 smart LED globe light bulb
  • 1 LED night light
  • 5 window insulating kits
  • 1 roll of insulating foam weather tape
  • 2 toilet leak detection tablets
  • 1 energy saving tip booklet
  • Choice of either 1 single-burner induction cooktop, 1 smart power strip, OR multiple smart plugs
Note: Preference only available while supplies last

Kit Component Decision

Would you prefer to receive 1 single-burner induction cooktop, 1 smart power strip, OR multiple smart plugs in your kit?

Note 1: Induction cooktops are the most efficient cooktops on the market. They work by generating an electromagnetic field below the glass cooktop surface, which causes magnetic cookware sitting on top to heat up. Please note that induction cooktops require you to use magnetic cookware such as cast iron, enameled cast iron, and many forms of stainless steel. Aluminum, copper, and glass cookware will NOT HEAT on induction cooktops. If you are unsure if your pots/pans are induction compatible, hold a magnet against the bottom of the pot/pan. If the magnet sticks firmly, the pot/pan is induction compatible.

Note 2: The smart power strip and smart plug are very similar devices.
  • The smart power strip will reduce your power usage by FULLY shutting down power to all of the products connected to your television (e.g. speaker, gaming system, DVD player) when your television is off and not allowing them to go into standby mode. 
  • A smart plug will similarly allow you to reduce this "vampire" draw of energy but only from one device at a time. A smart plug will also give you the capability to control the flow of power (turn on/off, set schedules/routines) to that device from your smartphone.
Note 3: Smart plugs require you to have a smartphone and to download an app on your phone
Would you prefer to receive 1 smart power strip OR multiple smart plugs in your kit?

Note 2: The smart power strip and smart plug are very similar devices.
  • The smart power strip will reduce your power usage by FULLY shutting down power to all of the products connected to your television (e.g. speaker, gaming system, DVD player) when your television is off and not allowing them to go into standby mode. 
  • A smart plug will similarly allow you to reduce this "vampire" draw of energy but only from one device at a time. A smart plug will also give you the capability to control the flow of power (turn on/off, set schedules/routines) to that device from your smartphone.
Note 3: Smart plugs require you to have a smartphone and to download an app on your phone

Final Information